Programs and Services
Since 1946, Paralyzed Veterans of America has been on a mission to change lives and build brighter futures for our seriously injured heroes. We’ve had a single-minded mission—to empower our brave men and women to regain what they fought for: their freedom and independence.
Paralyzed Veterans was originally founded by a band of service members who came home from World War II with spinal cord injuries. They returned to a grateful nation, but also to a world with few solutions to the major challenges they faced.
These wounded heroes made a decision not just to live, but to live with dignity as contributors to society. They created Paralyzed Veterans of America, an organization dedicated to serving veterans—and to medical research, advocacy and civil rights for all people with disabilities.

The Colonial Chapter has approximately 320 members. To qualify for membership an individual must meet the following criteria:
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Was regularly enlisted, inducted, or commissioned, and was accepted for or on active duty in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard of the United States or an ally of the United States
- Was separated from the Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable or is on active duty or must continue to serve after the cessation of hostilities
- Has suffered a spinal cord injury or disease, whether or not service connected in origin
If you meet all of the above criteria you can fill out a Membership Application and mail it to the chapter office at:
Colonial PVA
700 Barksdale Rd, Unit 2
Newark, DE 19711
Required with your Membership/Certification Application are the following:
- A copy of your DD214
- Proof of U.S. or U.S. Territorial Citizenship (Birth Certificate, Passport, INS * Form, or Voter’s Registration Form)
- Medical evidence of spinal cord injury or involvement (medical records or physician’s statement)
PVA Medical Requirements for Membership/Certification
If you have any questions please contact the chapter office at: 888-963-6595.
Sports and Recreation

Colonial PVA realizes that sports and recreation is a valuable rehabilitative tool which is effective in rebuilding self-esteem and self-confidence as well as promoting the health and welfare of its participants.
The Paralyzed Veterans of America, Colonial Chapter is a direct or supporting sponsor of local and national competitions of most major wheelchair sports in the United States including, basketball, bowling, track and field, tennis, hunting, fishing, snow skiing and trap shooting. Colonial PVA also annually participates in the PVA National Trap Shoot Circuit, hosting the Keith Lewis Memorial Trap Shoot at Carney Rod and Gun Club in Baltimore, MD in June of each year. This is a unique event where shooters with disabilities and able-bodied shooters compete as equals in the recreational sport of trapshooting.
Colonial PVA’s sports program has many dimensions. We provide information, sponsor training sessions, and support the concept of sports as a rehabilitative tool by providing our membership and the disabled many opportunities to compete and participate in sports and recreation events on a regular basis.

Advocacy in the community is a major, ongoing concern. Working with other veteran and disability groups has increased public awareness of the potential of paralyzed and disabled persons in the workplace and in the community.
Board members and staff are available to assist the newly injured spinal cord patient by way of a mentoring process which encourages education and employment and teaches skills for coping with a new disability.

Paralyzed Veterans of America service officers represent the majority of our membership before the Veterans Administration with regard to claims for benefits. To further serve veterans, the Colonial Chapter has several trained board members who are certified Voluntary Liaison Officers (VLO) and who provide service to veterans. The VLOs also provide assistance and advice to members and other veterans who are homebound and have no transportation. In addition, the Colonial PVA office provides information, services and referrals to our membership and others on a daily basis.
Colonial PVA maintains constant liaison with VA officials in order to keep abreast of changing issues. The chapter has VAVS representatives and deputies in VA Medical Centers who regularly attend VAVS meetings to serve the needs and concerns of the veteran patients. Colonial PVA also contributes various sundries for patients, canteen books and daily coffee for the hospital recreation rooms as needed. Contributions to administrative medical service departments are made as needed.
Service Offices in our area:
Baltimore: 800-795-3606
Philadelphia: 800-795-3628
Wilmington: 800-795-3589, 302-993-7252

Paralyzed Veterans of America, Colonial Chapter continually represents its members and others with disabilities at all levels of government; local, state and national, helping to defend and ensure our civil rights in all areas. We continually monitor VA funding to keep our legislators up to date on what’s happening locally at our VA hospitals, helping to ensure adequate and quality medical care for our veterans.
Colonial PVA is constantly working with other disability groups to help ensure that compliance with the ADA in all sectors of society is enforced.